I'm a Senior Full Stack Developer with 10+ years of experience. I strive to be a humble team player and be approachable to receive and give feedback.
I was in the middle of writing a unit test case for some service built-in JavaScript using Jest. We need to mock data instead of actually having a...
Today, while doing my day-to-day tasks, I come to observe that my API call in useEffect runs twice, I knew that it was re-rendering because of the...
While working with React library, you already understand well that whenever any props value or state of that particular component changes then it...
Early Return Early Return is a pattern that suggests we avoid nested if-else statements by checking the preconditions and return or throw as early as...
Using Inline Ternary Operator Conditionally Spreading the Object Properties We can use ternary or logical && operator, along with the spread operator,...
1. Know it's an array or not const points = [23, 3, 89, 98, 40] // Before 😏 console.log(points.length) // it returns true // After...